Monday, March 30, 2015

Will Boston *ever* see Spring?

I look outside my window and what do I see? That four letter word - snow. It is snowing...AGAIN. Folks around Boston have had enough of the white stuff to last 3 winters. Every time we turn around the meteorologists are predicting more snow. We've had 10 weekends in a row with snowfall. March only had a handful of days that were even close to normal temperature for this time of year. We've been below average all winter (except for the month of December), and we've had a record 110"+ of snowfall for the season. Thankfully all the snow hasn't melted at once (or we'd need our own arks to get around), but enough is enough. Thankfully I've lived in New England during another rough winter (Connecticut in 2010-2011 where they had record snowfall), so I've experienced a long, cold winter in these parts. But this is something else. By now, we should have highs in the upper 40s or mid-50s and some nice rain showers now and then. Instead we're stuck in Old Man Winter's grasp, and snow comes on a regular basis. Thankfully today's episode will turn to rain and by the end of this week the temperatures are supposed to moderate. 

Growing up, snow was a treat. Northern Georgia (around metro-Atlanta) saw more than an inch of snow at a time on a very rare basis. We only had four built-in snow days for the school district I attended. Generally you didn't need any of them, or may just one. But I do remember one winter we had a big storm that dumped 6" of snow. Six inches! The kids were in snow heaven. My mom and I went sledding down our street (and crashed into a holly bush, but that is a different story). There were other winters we did get a few inches, and I'd go to my Dad's condo to sled down the sunken soccer fields on a cookie sheet. And when it snows down south, everything STOPS. Each county might have 1 snow plow and a handful of helpful folks with their own snow plows on their trucks. People also tend to have 4-wheel drive since they like to go off road or get stuck in mud puddles. Snow was fun, and it was a happy occurrence. That's probably because we all knew it wouldn't be around long and Spring would arrive (mostly) on time.

Here in the Boston area, I don't think we can spell Spring anymore. I think it is hiding in the Bahamas somewhere. We keep asking it to come visit, but to no avail. I look at the bare trees in my yard and wonder if I'll ever see anything green again. The whole area is a study of brown, gray, and white. The only color we have are some songbirds that are feasting on the seed we provide. Poor little dears are probably also wondering where Spring is. They have nests to build and babies to raise. But not in this cold. One thing is for sure...when Spring *does* finally show up, everything is going to burst into action. Trees, shrubs, and flowers will bloom and sprout and leaf out all at once. Allergy sufferers, beware. It might be a rough ride.

Since I am not an all-powerful being that can influence the weather, I just sit here inside, sipping my coffee and trying my hardest to wish Spring into existence. Maybe, just maybe, we'll get some warmer weather and NO MORE SNOW during April. Hey, a person can dream, right?