Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Give Me Space

As I've described in a previous post, being an introvert can be tough sometimes. Today was one of those days. I had several things to do, and I was feeling tired. I completed all my errands, but the grocery store took a toll on me. 

I decided to use the self check-out because I didn't have all that much, and the other checkout lines were getting longer. It can be a challenge using the self checkout for more than a few items since you have to bag and scan quick enough so the little automated computer lady doesn't yell at you: "if you are done scanning, please check out now." Thankfully they made the delay a bit longer so people have more time to bag and make room for stuff.

I scanned all my items and then tried my coupons. Sadly none of them worked. Thankfully a wonderful store employee made one of them work and helped me finish the transaction. Then I didn't get a receipt. I was annoyed, but had to focus on getting the rest of the items bagged. Unfortunately, before I could finish, someone decided to check out RIGHT behind me. I couldn't get the rest of my items into a bag before the other person's stuff was rolling down the belt. I always wait for the previous person to finish bagging before I start scanning items. But that's just me. I was annoyed at this person (privately, in my mind), but hurried up and threw my items in the cart. Then there were people moving around me trying to get out of the store, just as I was. I had to rearrange the last items so they didn't get squished or squish anything else. I hurriedly pulled over to where all the carts are kept, hoping I could arrange my items before someone needed a cart. My heart was racing and my mind was fuzzy. I was cursing all of humanity under my breath. I just wanted to get to my truck. It was a relief to get everything put in my vehicle, return the cart, and drive home. 

There was no logical reason for me to be stressed. No one was shouting at me, threatening me, or otherwise making me feel uncomfortable. It was all in MY head. That is where being an introvert can be a bit of a drag. It's up to me to quiet my mind and calm my racing heart. That takes a lot of energy, and when you don't have a lot to spare, it can be debilitating. Thankfully I came out of it just fine, able to go about my life quietly, on my own terms. But I wish people could give me just a little more space some days.