Monday, September 30, 2013

Various Foot Ware I Just Don't Understand

I was flipping through a footwear catalog this afternoon and there it was...the vast selection of Ugg Boots. Of all the foot fashion trends, Ugg shoes and boots baffle me. I think the only other shoe that intrigues me more are Crocs. In both cases, these are shoes or boots that literally look like you rolled out of bed, grabbed the laziest thing you could find and shoved your feet into them. And now Ugg boots come with Swarovski crystals! I'm sorry, but a shiny crystal does not a fancy shoe make. As if that weren't enough, they now have sequin boots too. If you want to go as an 80's pop star for Halloween, you're set. 

Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh on this fashion trend. After all, who am I to say what people should and shouldn't be seen in? I'm hardly a fashion maven. I guess I'm just disappointed when people could do so much better than walking around in a glorified house shoe. I know they are comfortable, but so are my pajamas, and I certainly don't leave the house wearing those (although maybe I should; I see enough people in the grocery store and the mall wearing what appear to be pajama bottoms). Perhaps I've watched so many episodes of TLC's "What Not To Wear" that I can no longer look away from lazy fashion.

As I continued to flip through the catalog, I came upon something that made me smile: actual Ugg house shoes! Here is something you can put on your bare feet and walk out to get the paper on a subzero morning. At last, something cute and casual that isn't meant to leave the house. But the more I looked, the more my photographic memory recalled teenagers wearing this very type of shoe as they shuffled around the mall. Sigh. I actually considered buying a pair of the Ugg house shoes until I saw the price; I'll just keep wearing fluffy socks and turn the heat up a degree or two in winter. They are probably worth every penny (Ugg is a very reputable brand), but I can't justify it for shoes I'll never wear outside the house.

I mentioned Crocs earlier. Here is a shoe that (from what I understand) was originally meant as a gardening shoe, or perhaps one to wear near water (after all they are rubber; you'd be hard pressed to ruin them with water, mud, or sand). Now they seem to be everyone's favorite "bang around town" shoe. Even small children are wearing them (although I blame the parents for that). I don't go to the store or to work wearing my gardening boots...and I certainly wouldn't go wearing a pair of Crocs. I do, however, wear my fancy flip flops now and then (maybe that isn't much better?). I've seen a bit of a decline this year over last year as far as the number of Croc sightings out in the world, so maybe this is a trend that's had its say and is on the way out. 

Maybe I'm being too hard on those who want to wear a comfortable shoe. But I have plenty of comfortable shoes that look nice too! It just seems to me that people are selling themselves (and their fashion) short in the shoe department. But then again, I'm sure people might look at some of my outfits and wonder what rock I popped out from behind. I guess if the shoe (or boot) fits, wear it. Even if it is a super sparkly Ugg boot.

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