I totally missed my self-imposed deadline for posting today’s
blog (my goal is to get it online before 10am every day). I worked feverishly
on what to write late into the evening yesterday. Words just wouldn’t
cooperate. I had a serious case of writer’s block. At least it made me feel
like a real writer. Here I was, deadline approaching and I had nothing to offer
but muddled phrases and clichés. What is a writer to do?
I was still stuck this morning, so I took a walk around the
pond near my house. As I strolled along, I took pictures of the various flowers,
birds, and other suburban wildlife that lives there. Shortly after beginning my
walk, I received a phone call. As I chatted with my stepson, I barely took
notice of the scenery, except to take a picture of a turtle or duck as I went
along. After I got off the phone, I realized I’d made it all the way around the
lake and was a block from home. Wow…that went fast! Chatting with someone made
the walk go by much quicker.
As I walked in the door, it hit me. Write today’s blog about
time. Where does our time go? Why do some days seem to pass like an eternity
and some zip by in seconds? Does time really speed up as you get older? For me,
the answer is yes. Years seem to go by much faster than they used to. I feel
more of a sense of urgency to get things done because I am older. I still have a
lot of life left, for sure, but not as much as I did ten years ago.
And now it seems my brain has come to a stop again; words
are coming more slowly. Time, once again, feels different. It seemed to take no
time at all to come up with three paragraphs, and now, it feels slow and
clumsy. So before I make a total mess of this, I’ll take my leave. Have a great
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