Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winter Storm Juno - my first real "blizzard"

I'm from down South where snowfall is cause for utter panic. Growing up in northern Georgia, we once had 6" of snow and it shut school down for 3 days! We had fun though. Now I live in New England, and we just caught the brunt of Winter Storm Juno. I have never stood in the middle of a blizzard, unless you count the time we had a sorta-blizzard back in 2011 when I lived in coastal CT. We currently have about 18-20" of snow, with more falling. Winds were whipping around about 20-30mph. The snow should taper off tonight. I actually took some footage with my trusty Canon PowerShot D10. You can see the video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/zmhp-Pb5oZ4

While shoveling snow, I also had my cell phone with me. I took a few pics of our car and the piles of snow, then put the thing in my outside coat pocket and promptly forgot about it. My husband and I spent about an hour or so outside helping to shovel snow (thank goodness our neighbor had a snow blower!). When I came inside, my poor phone was C-O-L-D and I received an error message: "Let your phone cool down before use". Cool down!? What!? I guess it has a generic one-size-fits-all error when it comes to temperature extremes. I left it alone, and it did finally come around and start working again. Lesson learned...if you take sensitive electronics outside, keep them in a pocket close to your body so they stay warm. 

Otherwise, we have weathered the storm well. We still have our power and we can get our car out of the driveway if we want to go somewhere. They've even plowed the street enough times that we can see the pavement again! My relatives called to check on me (from AL and MS) since they'd seen all the hype in the news. They were quick to point out that it seemed the Boston area didn't have much hype, but received most of the storm while other places made a huge deal out of it and only had a glancing blow. It would seem there is an inverse relationship between the hype of the storm and the impact of the storm. Folks here know what to do and how to handle snow. It ain't no big deal.

If you are somewhere impacted by Storm Juno, I hope you are safe. I am back inside now where it is warm and dry. My cats think I am totally foolish for going outside in the terrible elements. They are lucky...they can't shovel snow so they are exempt from such drudgery.  We are supposed to get a little more snow on Friday, and possibly more next week. I swear, that's the last time I'll ever ask, "so, when do we really get some snow around here?" Oops, guess I have my answer!

The view out my front window. Can't tell sidewalk from yard from street!

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