Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Buddy's Story - Episode II

In this episode, I'll continue the story of how Buddy was learning what it meant to be an indoor, loved kitty. 

July of 2018 and Buddy is doing well. He is adjusting to me coming into the room and not hissing every time he sees me. But if I get too close, he lets me know it. He is happily eating and using the litter boxes. 

Buddy was happy to see every meal
As the weeks wore on, Buddy would start to venture into the main bedroom and the second bedroom too. He would nap out in the open rather than seeking the safety of the dressers or the closet. One day, I came up to check on him and found him sleeping in the bedroom closet, all 4 feet up in the air, but relaxed. I called to him but he didn't stir. A little panicked, I called louder because I was afraid he had passed! He woke up, saw me, hissed loudly, and retreated to the closet corner. Oops, so sorry my dear! 

I finally donated the rest of the dressers and other furniture I didn't need. This gave Buddy even more room to move around, but removed his hiding spots. It did allow me to sit closer to him and talk to him to establish some trust. I had to move slowly and carefully so I didn't scare him. He didn't want to play quite yet; he didn't understand what I was doing so he would hiss at the toys. However, there were times I'd hear him batting around some of the mice that had bells on them. He was learning!

Snacks were a mystery to Buddy at first. I would leave various treats on his placemat near his food bowls. It took a few weeks, but he finally tried one. From there on out, he would eat them, but didn't want to accept them from my hand yet. He did, however, give me an amazing sign one day. I came up to put his wet food down, and he came from the other bedroom and stopped. But he looked at me and his tail went up! A friendly greeting! I was very touched.

The back corner of the closet was a favorite hiding spot
In the fall of 2018, Buddy started to get out more. I had been leaving his doors open, but the baby gates up so he would get used to the noises of the household. However, a lot of the time I wasn't sure if he could hear well (I "snuck up" on him by accident more than a few times). I was wondering if he had become deaf over the years of neglect. The truth would be both good and bad news.

Stay tuned for the next episode of Buddy's story. It is filled with more excitement than I needed at the time!

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