Thursday, June 28, 2012

And now back to our regularly scheduled program…

As promised, The Evening Mews returns, albeit a few days late. I have to report that I didn’t come up with an exact plan during my break. My general feeling was to write about cats, and nothing but cats (which seems fitting for a blog called Evening Mews). However, after further consideration (and consulting with my own cats), I feel that is too limiting. So I’ve made a decision to keep the blog as it is; a place for me to park my thoughts and my life’s happenings.

Today seems a fitting day to restart the blog since it has been a terribly eventful day so far. I woke up to ants in my bathroom. Not many, just a few here and there. I walked back into the bedroom and spotted an ant on the bed!! I hate ants; they don’t belong in my house. I killed all the ones I could find, still wondering where they were coming from and how many more were lurking. It gave me the heebie-jeebies. I threw on some clothes and proceeded to make breakfast so I could mow the lawn before the heat became unbearable.

Breakfast was uneventful, thankfully. I retrieved the weed-whacker and lawnmower from the garage and set up to mow the lawn so my neighbors wouldn’t call the HOA about my untidy grass. We rent, and the electric mower we use belongs with the house. I don’t get along too well with this mower since it has a habit of shorting out while mowing. The only resolution is to let go of the handle, then pull it again, hoping it will stay running for a few more seconds. It takes about three times as long to mow our tiny lawn thanks to this small glitch.

After cussing the mower repeatedly, I finally finish the front lawn. I proceed into the back yard, which looks like something from a prehistoric jungle movie (thankfully we have a 6 foot wooden fence). I use the weed whacker to tidy up around the porch railings. I move toward the air conditioner when all of a sudden I see SOMEthing move and hear this bloodcurdling squeal. I stop the weed whacker and realize I’ve just hit a poor, hapless baby bunny! OH MY GOD I’VE KILLED IT! Oh, wait, it is running away. I go after it to check it for injuries. It is having NONE of that. (I can imagine things from the poor bunny’s perspective – a giant who just wacked it is now trying to catch it. I’d run for my life too!) It manages to squeeze through the fence boards to safety. I am terribly shaken. I go back and retrieve the weed whacker and see no fur or blood. Whew, dodged a bullet! I finish up and then go back to mowing.

I’m still cussing and fighting with the mower as I move closer to the little shed in the corner of the yard. All of a sudden ANOTHER baby bunny comes flying out from under the mower (which was running, but spinning down thanks to the electrical short). WHAT THE HECK!!??  As I lift the mower to check for fur or blood, ONE MORE baby bunny runs out! *^&%$#!@%!!! I go over to where one of the bunnies is “hiding”. He is still alive. I go back to the mower and run my fingers along the blades; no fur and no blood. Dodged two more bullets. I bang on the shed to make sure no one else is going to run under the mower. Still shaken, I finally get done with mowing and weed whacking. I check outside the fence and don’t find the original bunny anywhere; I'm hopeful he is doing fine.

I manage to get the lawn equipment put away and go inside without further incident. I shower up and collapse on the bed, thankful I didn’t cause the death of innocent baby bunnies. If my cats or a hawk happen to eat them, I wouldn’t be bothered since that is nature at work. But the thought of running them over with a lawnmower or chopping them with a weed eater is too horrific to contemplate. I went out a little while ago and I see no bunnies, so I am hopeful all the little dears got to safety and are resting from their terrifying morning.  One thing is certain: I’ll be a lot more careful before I mow the back yard from now on!

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