Monday, June 4, 2012

Not Having Children Can Be A Good Thing

I am one of those women who decided not to have children. I actually enjoy children, but I never wanted my own. Every now and then I borrow other people’s children which reminds me I made the right choice.

From a very early age I had no desire to play with dollies or push a little baby stroller. Instead I ran around the yard with a football and played with scary-looking science fiction toys. As I got a bit older I enjoyed riding my horse, drawing, and writing. Still no desire for cute little babies or dolls (I’ve actually been terrified of manikins and dolls most of my life).

To this day I still look at people’s children think: “Why on earth would anyone voluntarily become a parent?” Despite this thought, I am thankful there are people up to the task, and I truly admire people who enjoy being parents. It is a tough job and often a thankless one. And barring any tragedy, it is a lifelong job.

Plenty of people told me I’d make a good mom. That may be so, but I have NO desire for it. I mean none. Zero. I think I make a much better aunt. Growing up I always enjoyed visiting my Aunt Cora. She never married AND never had any children. She focused on taking good care of those around her and cooking (she was an awesome cook). Holidays at her house were always a lot of fun. These days I have my own “inherited” children to spoil. I enjoy spending time with my husband’s niece, nephew, and grandsons. I color with them, run around the yard, play on the swings, and generally act like a big kid. I also impose discipline when necessary.

I once spent a weekend taking care of my neighbor’s daughters and their dogs. It certainly was NOT a boring weekend. We had one mini-crisis after another, but somehow I got through each issue with a good dose of patience and some laughter. (That weekend also reminded me why I don’t have dogs, but that is a story for another time.) I did it by myself, and it gave me an even greater appreciation for single parents.

For some women, their “clock” is ticking louder and louder as they get older. The desire to have children is strong and many act on that desire. For me, I have no clock. The thought of being pregnant terrifies me. I have no desire for babies and children. However, if you need someone to keep your children safe and entertained for an hour or a day, I’m your gal.

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