Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We’ll be right back, after these (non)commercial messages...

The Evening Mews is less than a month old, but it will be taking a hiatus. I’ll be visiting family for a few days (with no access to the Interwebs), and taking time to arrange my wandering thoughts. Hopefully what will emerge will be an entertaining and informative blog that will have folks coming back for more.

The Evening Mews will return on Monday, June 25th.  Until then, don’t lose heart just because the economy is still sluggish, wildfires are raging out west while the southeast floods from summer storms. And don’t think about the fact that jobs are still hard to find and your house has lost half its value over the past ten years. None of us can change the economy on our own, but we can look forward and prepare for what is ahead. Life goes in cycles so keep your chin up and love those close to you. Hug your spouse or mom or dad or cat or dog or horse or guinea pig. Listen to your favorite song or watch a funny movie. Eat ice cream or have a glass of wine. In the end, the sun will still rise in the east and the birds will still sing their beautiful song.

Miss Ixie sez "If all else fails, take a cat nap."

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